Our Services

Wealth Management

We structure our portfolios so we do better when you do better.

(Assets Under Management):


This includes life insurance as well as investments within the insurance world.

(Term, Whole, Annuities, Indexed Universal Life) 

Creating a Financial Plan

We basic planning and more comprehensive planning depending on the complexity of your estate

Wealth Management

We structure our portfolios so we do better when you do better.

(Assets Under Management):


This includes life insurance as well as investments within the insurance world.

(Term, Whole, Annuities, Indexed Universal Life) 

Creating a Financial Plan

We do basic planning and more comprehensive planning depending on the complexity of your estate.

Risk Mitigation techniques

Add protection on your portfolio like you would your house, your life and your car. Do you remember bowling as a child and putting “bumpers” up to make sure the bowl hit the bowling pins at the other end?  We have strategies to mitigate risk and avoid a devastating 2008 market meltdown scenario. 


We have one-on-one consultations available for pretty much about anything financial related. If we can’t help you, our partners probably can. We also offer financial education classes for those looking to learn about investing strategy and basic financial literacy.

Tax Strategy

What have you done to keep Uncle Sam out of your pocket lately? Let’s discuss ideas on how to keep more money in your pocket.

Risk Mitigation techniques

Add protection on your portfolio like you would your house, your life and your car. Do you remember bowling as a child and putting “bumpers” up to make sure the bowling ball hit the bowling pins at the other end?  We have strategies to mitigate risk and avoid a devastating 2008 market meltdown scenario. 

Tax Strategy

What have you done to keep Uncle Sam out of your pocket lately? Let’s discuss ideas on how to keep more money in your pocket.


We have one-on-one consultations available for pretty much about anything financial related. If we can’t help you, our partners probably can. We also offer financial education classes for those looking to learn about investing strategy and basic financial literacy.

Full List Of Services

  • Advice on wealth accumulation for millennials
  • Alternative Investments
  • Annuities  
  • Avoid financial pitfalls you may not be aware of 
  • Cash Value Life Insurance
  • Charity and philanthropy donation strategy
  • Delaware State Trusts (DST #1)
  • Deferred Sales Trusts (DST #2)
  • Divorce financial planning
  • Education on personal finance
  • Estate planning
  • Financial planning for retirement and creating income after retirement
  • Holistic, comprehensive financial advice
  • Legacy and wealth building for your family
  • Long Term Care and alternatives
  • Real Estate Investments
  • Retirement plan set up for small and medium sized businesses
  • Second pair of eyes to look at your investments
  • Social Security consulting
  • Stocks, bonds, ETF, Mutual Fund investing
  • “Sudden Wealth” management (lottery, settlement and inheritance investing)
  • Tax strategy
  • Variable annuity solutions and rollovers
  • Wealth management, transfer and preservation

“We do not work with crypto assets, penny stocks, most commodities and currency trading due to the high volatile nature of these instruments.”

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